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Feet pain killing you?

What your pharmacist can do

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Feet Pain Killing You? Here’s What Your Pharmacist Can Do For You

We put our feet through various pains every day; sometimes in cramped shoes or on hard floors. You’re not the only one excited to kick off your shoes and air your toes. 

The aches become second nature. We don’t question it unless it becomes so bad we’re unable to walk. Only then do we think it’s time to see someone about the pain. 

It doesn’t have to go that far. You can go to your local pharmacist right now and tell them about your foot pain. They’ll be able to help in the following ways.

Help secure your diagnosis 

We do online searches to try and diagnose foot pain. But the information, while possibly true, isn’t a proper diagnosis for you. A search can only do so much. But your pharmacist can do much more. 

The pharmacist team will speak with you to discuss your problems personally. Not your mother or friend’s foot problems – yours. 

They’ll ask you several questions, including:

  • Your pain symptoms
  • Duration of symptoms
  • Where the pain originates
  • Current medications

A diagnosis from a trained professional provides clarity online searches can’t. You have the chance to ask questions as they pop up. And you can come back and report additional problems or requests whenever you have the time.  

A conversation with your pharmacist is more precise than any online search. 

Provide thorough feedback on products

You want a product that will give you foot pain relief. The first place to look is online reviews. But they’re not always accurate or personalised for your symptoms. If it doesn’t work, there goes your money and you have to search again for something to dull your foot pain. 

This is the kind of trial and error your pharmacist wants you to avoid. When you go and talk to them they limit your searching because they put years of training behind their recommendations. 

You can trust their judgement because if anyone understands and knows the products in the store, it’s them. What works best, what works sometimes, or what won’t work at all has been taken into consideration when they talk with you. 

They also know it can be overwhelming to choose from all the products in the store. Braces, heat therapies, cold products, compressive gear and insoles for shoes are everywhere. That’s why your pharmacist will show you where you ought to look and why.   

Suggest home remedies

When you combine store products with home remedies, your feet won’t know what hit them. This can be good or bad depending on which remedies you use and how.

Online suggestions are easy and sound cheap, but it’s not necessarily safe for your skin, foot condition, or your health. Anyone can write a blog with some quick tips without weighing the positive and negative effects.

But your pharmacist knows trusted methods you can do in your home. They may even know some home remedies that work well with the products you bought from the store. 

Some home remedies include:

  • Heat and ice to the foot (not direct contact with the skin) 
  • Compressing the ankle/foot to minimise pain
  • Gentle massage to the feet/soles depending on symptoms

The majority of home remedies provide only temporary relief. They’re not to be used as a substitute for medications or products prescribed by your GP or pharmacist. 

But when you need something quick and safe after working a 10-hour shift, they can provide phenomenal temporary results. Just ask your pharmacist. 

Medication recommendations and adjustments

Depending on the kind of feet pain, medications might be an option. For that, a consultation with your pharmacist is in order.  

Medications are prescribed when products and home remedies aren’t enough. If you’re not feeling less pain or the symptoms are worsening, medications help to reverse or suppress the feeling. 

The types of medication available as foot medications include anti-inflammatories, joint medications, and general pain medications. 

Your pharmacist will give you recommendations if you ask. They’ll note your diagnosis, current medications, and other health complications you may have. Again, more personalised than an online search.

You have the chance to pick their brain. Is your current medication a good match for the symptoms? Is the dosage enough or maybe even too high? Is there an alternative option that suppresses the pain and cheaper? 

But you won’t know what they recommend until you ask. So don’t be afraid and give them your questions.

Do remember…

You don’t have to live with painful feet conditions because it feels “normal”. Options are available through products, remedies, and medications. 

If you’re unsure of where to start, visit your local pharmacist and ask them a simple question: “What do you recommend for aching feet?”


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